We rent one venue, our Clubhouse in Ixelles, to run courses and classes, as well as family events and our various playgroups. Some of our support groups and interest groups also hold their meetings at the Clubhouse because it is spacious and for its cosy athmosphere and amazing child friendly features.
The Clubhouse is an inspiring multipurpose place that we created with children and families in mind. It holds a wide range of toys from role play, to dressing up, from craft supplies to books, from musical instruments to activity boards and a chalk board, from parachute and a tepee to soft play equipment plus a wonderful private garden with an activity wall, a playhouse, ride-on toys and lots of space to run around and explore. It is our hub, our home and a safe space for members and their families to meet up for play, for a chat, for information, for fun and support - and to celebrate.
Check out this article from our membership magazine Small Talk for more information about the Clubhouse and how it became our wonderful, family-friendly community space it is.
In addition to the group meetings and get-togethers at the Clubhouse, we also have an active community of local groups meeting in various parts of Brussels and the country. They organise social activities for children and parents in their respective areas and sometimes also at the Clubhouse.
NEW: Members can now rent our beautiful and fun Clubhouse (including kitchenette and garden) for their child's Birthday Party!
Members, please refer to the Twizzit agenda (either via the BCT app or via your desktop online) or our weekly newsletter for more information about current playgroups and social gatherings at the Clubhouse and in our local groups.

Chaussée de Waterloo 620
1050 Ixelles (Brussels)
How to get there:
By bus: line 38 (stop Patton -
3 minute walk), line 60 (stop Washington/Lepoutre - 7 minute walk)
By De Lijn: lines 136, 137 (stop Elsene Patton - at doorstep)
By TEC W and line 365A: stop Ixelles Patton - at doorstep
By tram: line 7 (stop Bascule), line 8 (stop Abbaye), line 93 (stop Abbaye)
For routes and timetables see STIB/MIVB
Carparks: On-street parking,
Q Park Bascule (4 minute walk), Rivoli Parking (9 minute walk), BePark Parking Chatelain (11 minute walk)