The BCT has been providing support to families and parents-to-be for more than 40 years. Each year, new families come to Brussels, some for a short while others to settle. We are here to help them feel at home.
But still, not everybody is aware that there is an English-speaking family community out there that helps those newly arrived. If you often meet or work with people who might benefit from what we have to offer, why not spread the word and help them find us?
"Such a great organisation! I wish I had found a similar community in the countries that we lived before coming to Belgium. Especially as a family with a baby and a young child it was very hard (and lonely) at the beginning. The BCT helped us out big time with pretty much everything related to family life here in Brussels, and because I know that many expat families face similar problems I still like to receive the newsletter and pass it on to my colleagues whenever a new family has arrived."

Small Talk, our membership magazine, presents an excellent picture of what the BCT is all about.
If you would like to receive a copy of Small Talk for yourself or to display them in order to help English-speaking families find us, please send an email to This also applies to organisations that would like to share parenting resources with their employees or clients. Don't forget to provide your name and address.
Please note that we might not always be able to send you the latest edition of Small Talk magazine.
Find out more about Small Talk, the magazine for BCT members.
"For an expat, the BCT cannot replace family, but quite often, it gets very close."
Information for partner organisations and businesses
Our electronic newsletter keeps you, your organisation or your business informed about work on all aspects of the BCT. Get to know the people in our community, the pregnancy and childbirth support we offer, the social and neighbourhood groups we run, the initiatives we take to expand and develop our services in order to keep supporting English-speaking families and parents-to-be in Belgium and the opportunities we offer to get involved with the BCT.
Circulated twice per year, our newsletter reaches more than 250 partner organisations, institutions and businesses that are interested in what we do.

Please note: BCT members automatically receive our internal newsletter. You do not need to sign up for this newsletter as well. If you don't receive anything from us, please check your membership or contact our membership team to verify your email address.
You can sign up for the BCT newsletter.
You can unsubscribe and take your name off our list.
If you would like to change your email address, please use the link in the newsletter itself.
The BCT is also active on Social Media
Stay up to date with what is happening at the BCT and share it with your networks:
On our Facebook page (,
we post regular updates on all our latest activities, events and initiatives, general BCT news, some fun stuff, some relevant Belgium related news and selected articles from around the web on children, parenting and families.
On Instagram, we share some behind the scene views as bctbelgium and on Twitter you can find us as @bctbelgium.