All BCT member courses:
- can be attended without any specific fitness level or previous experience,
- offer a free trial session to BCT members (unless otherwise specified),
- require booking as places are limited.
Relaxed Mum Yoga @ Clubhouse
Fridays, 13 Dec, 10 Jan, 7 Feb, 14 Mar, 4 Apr, 16 May, 13 Jun, 4 Jul,
all 19:00-20:30
- January: Intention Setting & Renewal
- February: Self-love & Nurturing
- March: Awakening Energy
- April: Balance & Growth
- May: Blossoming Confidence
- June: Calm & Connection
- July: Joy & Fun
Take a moment for you with The Relaxed Mum, monthly drop-in classes - yoga and self-care sessions crafted for mothers who want to recharge and find balance while navigating the joys and demands of motherhood.
Each session provides a dedicated check-in—an opportunity to step back, recharge, and reconnect with yourself. Held once a month, these Friday evening sessions let you unwind from daily routines and start the weekend feeling calm and balanced.
These classes create a welcoming space for mothers to learn techniques for finding balance, managing stress, and building connections in a supportive group. It's an ideal way to start the weekend feeling centered, recharged, and ready for family time. No yoga experience is required—this class is open to all levels.
Bring your mat and join us for a monthly reset designed just for you!
Led by BCT member, yoga teacher, and mother of two, Viktoria, each session introduces a new theme, for example, letting go, ultimate relaxation, stress relief, finding balance, and grounding, etc. all designed to enhance your well-being.
Cost: 33 euros per 90-minute session
REGISTRATION: contact Viktoria at papp.victoria@gmail.com
Payment is due the day before the session, with refunds issued if the class is cancelled. Min. number required: 3 attendees.
All About Tummy Time! @ Clubhouse
Wednesday, 12 February, 11:00 – 12:00
Join us for a hands-on workshop to understand the importance of tummy time, learn how long baby needs to spend on their tummy and what toys and materials you need to make tummy time more engaging. Does your baby cry or dislike tummy time? Please join to learn how to make it more enjoyable and how to gradually build your baby’s endurance.
Please join with your baby, pregnant mothers are also welcome.
This workshop will be given by occupational therapist Sineen Abu Al Itham who has 10 years of experience working in early intervention with children with developmental disabilities, in Canada, Jordan and Belgium.
Cost: €25.
Registration is essential and spaces are limited - please contact Sineen at sineen.ot@gmail.com.
Baby massage @ Clubhouse
Wednesdays, 10 - 11 h, next course: postponed ...
For: caregivers and infants - newborn to pre-crawling
Massage can help bonding, break down barriers, soothe the mind and body.
This course of 5 classes of 60 minutes is fun and relaxed and open to all caregivers. We will progress to learn to massage the whole baby. It is a baby led course - we respect the wish of the baby. If your baby does not wish to be massaged, then you can participate and learn the strokes to then use later.
The course is facilitated by Joanne Fraser, who is a trained instructor of Infant Massage and has practised in the UK, Switzerland and Belgium over the last 14 years.
Cost: 100€ for a course of 5 sessions.
Places are limited so booking is essential. Minimum number of participants per class: 4. To register, please contact Joanne at joannefraser_home@hotmail.com
Family Language Planning - Online Consultation
Family Language Planning consultations are designed for families whose children live with two or more languages. They aim to support each family in ensuring the successful bi-/multilingual development of their children by creating a language environment that is conducive to success and comfortable for everyone.
The product of each in-depth Family Language Planning consultation is a Family Language Plan. The process of creating it helps parents consider their options, formulate their priorities, and determine which steps to take to reach their objectives. Creating a Family Language Plan includes goal setting, mapping out where the input in each language will come from (in terms of people and time), how fluency and literacy will be approached in each language and, last but not least, how challenges will be dealt with.
Maria Potvin and Daphne Vlachojannis are fully trained Family Language Consultants at On Raising Bilingual Children. They were both faced with the same challenges as the multilingual families they are now offering their support to.
Cost for a 30-minute Targeted Consultation: 50 euros
Cost for a 3-part Family Language Planning package (consisting of two in-depth consultation sessions of 90 and 60 minutes plus a written Family Language Plan): 350 euros
For more information, please visit onraisingbilingualchildren.com/services. To request a consultation, please use the contact form at onraisingbilingualchildren.com/contact.
Introduction to Toileting Readiness – “When to start” @ Online
Monday, 27 January, 20:30 – 21:30
In this workshop you will get answers on how to prepare yourself and your child for toileting. How to start and when to start toilet training. How long will you need to toilet train your child and will it be different for boys vs. girls. You will gain a lot of information that will help you start your child on a successful toileting journey, you will also leave with a lot of resources that will help you along the way.
Part 2 'Implementing a toileting routine' follows this session.
This webinar will be given by occupational therapist Sineen Abu Al Itham who has 10 years of experience working in early intervention with children with developmental disabilities, in Canada, Jordan and Belgium. In her role as an occupational therapist, Sineen focused on areas like feeding, dressing, fine motor skills, sleep, toileting, sensory regulation, school readiness, play skills, social emotional development/behavior to mention a few.
Cost: €20 per person/couple/family
Registration is essential and spaces are limited - please contact Sineen at sineen.ot@gmail.com.
Implementing a toileting routine – “How to Start” @ Online
Monday, 3 February, 20:30 – 21:30
In this workshop we will address how to create a toilet training plan that works for you and your child and how to start implementing it. Learn the different ways to toilet train your child. How to teach your child to use the toilet successfully and efficiently. How to achieve both day and nighttime continence. Ways to teach your child to wipe themselves. Leave with hands-on resources and visuals that will support you in creating and implementing a toileting plan.
Part 1 'Introduction to toileting readiness' precedes this session.
This webinar will be given by occupational therapist Sineen Abu Al Itham who has 10 years of experience working in early intervention with children with developmental disabilities, in Canada, Jordan and Belgium. In her role as an occupational therapist, Sineen focused on areas like feeding, dressing, fine motor skills, sleep, toileting, sensory regulation, school readiness, play skills, social emotional development/behavior to mention a few.
Cost: €20 per person/couple/family
Registration is essential and spaces are limited - please contact Sineen at sineen.ot@gmail.com.
Independence in Self-Care (2 – 8 years) @ Online
Coming up online, 20:30 – 21:30
Dressing, toileting, wiping, feeding, bathing, grooming, teeth-brushing are some examples of self-care tasks. Join us to learn strategies to teach your child to become independent with self-care tasks. How to manage behaviours related to self-care tasks (e.g. child refusing to participate, keeping the child on track, etc…) and how to set the environment up
for their success. Learn the ages at which children are expected to be able to do these tasks independently.
This webinar will be given by occupational therapist Sineen Abu Al Itham who has 10 years of experience working in early intervention with children with developmental disabilities, in Canada, Jordan and Belgium. In her role as an occupational therapist, Sineen focused on areas like feeding, dressing, fine motor skills, sleep, toileting, sensory regulation, school readiness, play skills, social emotional development/behavior to mention a few.
Cost: €20 per person/couple/family
Registration is essential and spaces are limited - please contact Sineen at sineen.ot@gmail.com.
My Baby’s Milestones & Play Skills (0-6m) @ Clubhouse
Wednesdays 29 January & 5 February, 11:00 – 12:00
Do you know how to play with your baby in a way that promotes their development? Would you like to learn how to play with your baby in an intentional way?
This 2-session workshop will teach you about the milestones and what your baby is expected to do in their first 6 months
of their life.
Join us in an interactive 2-part session where we learn ways to help our children develop and learn new skills through play. Hands-on fun & growth guaranteed!
This workshop will be given by occupational therapist Sineen Abu Al Itham who has 10 years of experience working in early intervention with children with developmental disabilities, in Canada, Jordan and Belgium. In her role as an occupational therapist, Sineen focused on areas like feeding, dressing, fine motor skills, sleep, toileting, sensory regulation, school readiness, play skills, social emotional development/behavior to mention a few.
Cost: €40 for the workshop of 2 sessions
Registration is essential and spaces are limited - please contact Sineen at sineen.ot@gmail.com.
Pilates & more @ Wezembeek/online
Online via Zoom and in-person @ Wezembeek-Oppem
Tuesdays, 7.15-8.15 pm: Pilates + Legs, Bums & Tums
Fridays, 10-11 am: Pilates + Legs, Bums & Tums
Open to everyone - dads & postnatal mums are welcome.
Fun, tailor-made classes with individual correction.
Do you wish to:
- Reduce stiffness on your joints?
- Enhance body awareness (flexion, extension & rotation);
- Improve your posture, balance & coordination;
- Avoid back-aches (upper, middle or lower back pain due to prolonged sitting or carrying your children);
- Work several muscle chains simultaneously;
- Feel relaxed & stretch after your workout;
Guided by Sandra, a qualified and experienced Stott Pilates instructor, you will learn how to
- strengthen your perineum & pelvic floor,
- reduce your waistline, tone your muscles,
- improve your breathing and sleep,
- avoid hernias & decrease urinary incontinence & prolapse,
- detect and massage your trigger points to release tension
- gain 1 extra hour of energy.
Sandra Gomez Wilches is qualified Stott Pilates instructor, expert in matwork and reformer, with 5 years of experience teaching all age groups from rehabilitation to professional sports people. As Sandra strongly believes that the mind, the emotions and body are linked, she insists on the importance of breathing to create body awareness and positive thinking to achieve one's goals. Sandra has also followed training on trigger points (how to find tender areas on your body and releasing tension) as well as Low Pressure Fitness (a repertoire of postural & breathing exercises which decreases intra-abdominal pressure using apneas. Its benefits are: improves capacity of breathing, creating recuperative sleep, strengthening & restoration of pelvic floor & perineum muscles as well as reducing your waist perimeter).
Cost: 78€ for 4 classes (19.50€ per class) or 21.50 € for 1 class - The first session is a free trial for BCT members. Personal training & duos are also available on request.
Places are limited so booking is essential. Please contact Sandra at gomezwilchessandra@gmail.com or 0485 94 15 89.
Postnatal Exercise @ Clubhouse
Fridays, 12:30 - 13:30: January 24, 31, February 7, 14, 21, 28, March, 14, 21.
Safe and soft postnatal gym classes. Babies are very welcome.
For: women who have recently had a baby (start is from about 4-6 weeks post-partum; after a caesarean it depends) or for women who want a workout that is safe and reasonable for a body that has been pregnant, no matter how long ago the birth is).
(> Please contact Sirka if you have any questions, she will help to classify your level and if the course fits your needs)
In group classes, exercises will be adapted to each participant’s needs.
… re-strengthen your core from the inside out.
… heal your Diastasis Recti & flatten your tummy.
… restore your pelvic floor functions & address incontinence.
… improve your back-pain & increase your well-being.
… help to feel yourself again and being fit for your new (mummy) life!
Important: Please make sure you have your ob/gyn’s consent to perform soft gym.
Cost: €144 for 8 classes.
To register, please contact Sirka at info@prae-vita.com or + 49 176 34 51 61 25.
By Sirka Ginsel, a qualified and experienced sports scientist, trained to teach prenatal & postnatal exercises and working as a therapist in a rehabilitation clinic for orthopaedics and neurology.
If you are interested, please contact Sirka without obligation to find out whether you can participate. Sirka also offers prenatal exercise classes and online classes.
Starting Solids – Cup Drinking & Tools for Setting-up an Independent Feeder @ Clubhouse
Wednesday, 26 February, 11:00 – 12:30
Are you starting solids soon? Join us to learn how to teach your baby to explore different cups?
For babies 3-12m, but parents with babies younger than 3 months are welcome.
how to introduce ‘open cups’ and ‘straw cups’ to your baby and when to do that.
about the different features of cups that are recommended for your baby
about the disadvantages of using the bottle for too long and when to transition them away from it.
Get familiar with various feeding tools and utensils and the basics of feeding chairs (highchairs) and the features that must be found to ensure optimal conditions for your baby.
This workshop will be given by occupational therapist Sineen Abu Al Itham who has 10 years of experience working in early intervention with children with developmental disabilities, in Canada, Jordan and Belgium.
Cost: €40 for 90 minutes
Registration is essential and spaces are limited - please contact Sineen at sineen.ot@gmail.com.
Toddler Yoga (2-5 years) @ Clubhouse
Saturdays or Sundays, 10:00 – 11:00
A great way for young children to practise mindful movement, learn useful breathing techniques and have lots of fun!
This class lets young children (and their parents) move in healthy and fun ways to encourage stress reduction and focus, and to practise stillness and ease.
New dates tbd
The ABCs of Managing Behaviours (2-12 years) @ Online
New date tbd
Do you feel stuck dealing with undesirable behaviours of your child?
Join us to understand what a behaviour is and why your child is demonstrating these behaviours and leave with strategies that will help you manage them. Learn about punishments, time-outs, and rewards to manage behaviours. Concepts from the “Prevent, Teach, Re-enforce” evidence-based model will also be discussed to learn what needs to be done in these circumstances.
Parenting with Positive Discipline - Online Workshop
Next course: 2025
Parenting with Positive Discipline helps children develop self-discipline and problem-solving skills, become more responsible and cooperative, have greater respect for themselves and others. The teachings of Positive Discipline are filled with non-punitive and non-permissive methods that will build relationships and keep the lines of communication open.
This course is designed for families with children up to the age of 10. It allows parents and caregivers to go through the process of changing how they look at misbehavior and their role as parents. Parents learn many of the Positive Discipline tools through experiential learning experiences.
These are just some underlying principles of Positive Discipline:
Be Kind and Firm;
Connection before Correction;
There is a belief behind behavior;
A misbehaving child is a discouraged child.
Parents learn how to:
Get into their child’s world;
Connect with their child;
Have fewer power struggles;
Invite cooperation;
Choose their battles;
Encourage, encourage, encourage;
Use discipline to teach;
Be firm and kind;
Feel more confident and peaceful in their parenting;
Take care of themselves;
Let the message of love get through
Parents learn by:
Actively participating in the class rather than passive learning that is less helpful;
Practicing new skills through role-playing;
Practicing new skills with their own child(ren) during the week;
Getting encouraging feedback as they learn how difficult it can be to change old habits.
Cost of a course of 6 two - hour classes: 320 euros (420 euros for a couple).
The cost includes:
- 6 interactive classes
- Weekly practice assignments
- Electronical version of “The Positive Discipline Workbook”
- Electronical version of “Positive Discipline Parenting Tools”
The cost does not include:
- a book which you are advised to read (not compulsory).
Facilitator: Aiste Grubliauskiene is a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator and a Psychologist, graduated from Vilnius University, Lithuania, and with a Doctor’s degree from Leuven University, Belgium. Aiste consults children and adults in Tervuren.
To register for the course, please contact Aiste at aiste@happyduckling.org or +32474065006.
BCT member courses are specialised offers on subjects of interest for BCT members. Some are related to sports and well-being, others to babies, parenting or even a creative subject. Some courses consist of several sessions while others are ongoing offers. Teachers of our courses (and workshops) are certified instructors in their professional field. Almost all courses start with one free class to give new participants the possibility to test the course. While the trial sessions are open to non-BCT members, the Member Courses are exclusively for BCT members. Join us and take advantage of the many benefits that a membership can bring to your family life here in Belgium.
Member Courses are either held online or at our Clubhouse at 620 Chaussee de Waterloo, 1050 Ixelles.
Call to BCT Members: If you are a BCT member and would like to offer a course to other members, please contact us at info@bctbelgium.org.