Breastfeeding and Bottle-feeding Support


The BCT supports parents whatever feeding choice they make for their baby and we have teams of experienced volunteers on hand to provide impartial information and support, both for breastfeeding and bottle-feeding.

NEW: Starting 15 February we are reviving the Breastfeeding Café at the Clubhouse which is a regular informal get-together hosted by a certified breastfeeding counsellor and La Leche League leader.

Not a member (yet)? This is one of the BCT's core services that is only available to members. Become a member to benefit from this and many other services.


BCT breastfeeding support

“Thank you very much for your support and for your quick reply; it helped me very much when I had to start the weaning. In the end it went smoother than I ever imagined, with very little crying, no sleep difficulties.”

Who we are

The BCT Breastfeeding Supporters are a small team of volunteers who have all breastfed their own babies for at least six months. We have been trained by the BCT to give informed mother-to-mother support, although we are not professional counsellors or medically qualified.

What we do

We offer free information and support to all members via telephone and email.

We can help with common feeding-related problems, whether it’s your first baby or your fourth, and we offer support at any stage – both during the first few days and much later on when you may have questions about weaning, going back to work or stopping breastfeeding.

How we work

Members can contact our breastfeeding supporters at any time.

We liaise closely with the BCT’s other postnatal support services (such as the Early Days Support and the Bottlefeeding Support teams) to ensure you get the help and information you need. We can also provide details of lactation consultants and registered midwives if you would like professional medical support.


To get in touch with our Breastfeeding Supporters, members can contact


BCT bottle-feeding service

"It is so nice to have someone who can support and talk to you when breastfeeding just doesn't work out for you and your baby. Plus bottle-feeding isn't as simple as you think! So many questions and problems that can arise: which bottles to use, what kind of nipples, finding a milk that is right for your baby, and the list goes on and on. I appreciate being able to call someone and ask 'What did you do?', 'Is this normal?', 'What would you suggest?'."

Who we are

BCT Bottle-feeding Supporters are fellow parents who have personal experience of bottle-feeding their babies. Whilst our volunteers are not professional counsellors, they have all received training in listening skills.


We are there to help, in whatever way possible, with any bottle-feeding-related concerns you may have.

We can provide information, for example, on artificial milk brands, sterilising techniques and managing the move from bottles to solids. We are also more than happy to lend a listening ear to help you feel comfortable with your choice of feeding.

How we work

BCT Bottle-Feeding Supporters offer support mainly by phone and email. Members can contact us at any time.

We also liaise closely with the other BCT postnatal support services (such as the Early Days Support) to ensure you get the help and information you need.

Want to join the team?


Volunteering as a BCT Bottle-feeding Supporter is a very rewarding experience. Not only will you have the pleasure of directly helping other parents at one of life’s most challenging and exciting times, you will also join a team of caring and committed mums and can make some great new friends in the process.

If you are a member with a little time to spare, please contact us to find out more.


To get in touch with our Bottle-feeding Supporter, members can contact