By using this site, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.
The website was set up to support families and parents-to-be in Belgium who are looking for information in English. The site provides general information about our organisation and the services we offer.
The content of the website is written by volunteers. We take great care to make sure all information is correct, complete and up-to-date. The BCT declines any and all liability in relation to obsolete or incorrect information. If you find any mistakes, please do not hesitate to contact our webmaster at
On this website, the BCT may also link to third-party websites if we consider them useful for our visitors. We chose them very carefully but decline any and all liability in relation to those sites or the information provided therein.
All text, photos and logos used on this website are protected by copyright. You are free to read, print or download for personal use any of the information provided on this website. If you would like to use any of the website’s content for other purposes, please contact our webmaster at