BCT Small Talk magazine

Small Talk Magazine


Small Talk is our means to reach out to our members four times per year with a bunch of relevant and interesting information and resources from inside and outside the BCT.

It is digitally published every three months and each issue is packed with tips for family outings in Brussels and Belgium, details on BCT events and new initiatives and latest news from our about 30 groups. Reports from our support teams reflect on various topics of pre- and postnatal care. There are regular columns featuring craft and cooking ideas, seasonal updates with information on the Belgian school system, Christmas events, summer holiday activities and events, traveling, and volunteer opportunitiesA range of informative articles as well as personal stories on parenthood, life style and other family-related issues completes the listing.

Small Talk consists of up to 40 pages in A4 format and it is published in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

What makes Small Talk so special? It gives a wonderful insight into our community, invites members to raise their voice and share their stories and it is entirely being put together by an amazing team of volunteers (editor and assistants, proofreaders, all contributors, display ads team)!

If you are not a member yet but would like to get a glimpse at the magazine, email us.

“My magazine is already worth my membership fee."

Submit an Article

Many of our columnists, writers and contributors are members of the BCT. So, if you’d like to write for the magazine, suggest an idea for an article or participate in the production in any other way – get in touch with the editor at editor@bctbelgium.org.

Deadlines for articles

1 February: Spring edition (out in March)
1 May: Summer edition (out in June)
1 July: Autumn edition (out in September)
1 November: Winter edition (out in December)

Contact the editor

You have a comment on one of our articles or want to reach out in another content-related matter? Please email our editor at editor@bctbelgium.org.


Small Talk is a great and efficient way, especially for local businesses and organisations, to reach out to our defined membership. For advertising opportunities in Small Talk contact displayads@bctbelgium.org.

How to place a display ad

Download our Small Talk media kit 2024 (PDF) and the BCT Advertising Policy for more information. For details about available prices and sizes, please get in touch with our Display Ads coordinator at displayads@bctbelgium.org.

Deadlines for ads

1 February: Spring edition (out in March)
1 May: Summer edition (out in June)
1 July: Autumn edition (out in September)
1 November: Winter edition (out in December)

Receiving your magazine

Not receiving the Small Talk link?

We are introducing every new issue of Small Talk with a newsletter and access link to all members. If you don't receive this newsletter, please check whether you have activated your profile in our app and see whether your membership is still valid.

Update your address

If you would like to update or verify your email address, please contact our membership secretary at membership@bctbelgium.org.


If you do not receive the newsletter that features the latest issue of Small Talk and you don't have access to the electronic version anymore, please check whether you might need to renew your membership.

BCT blog article

Read more on our blog:

Read more on our blog:

You can explore some of our magazine articles on our Blog, where we publish selected Small Talk articles. So, if you are curious, head over there to read some more and let us know what you think!