To support members with pain management during and after birth we have two systems available to hire: The TENS machine for pain relief during labour and the Valley Cushion for postnatal pain-management.

TENS stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. These small battery-operated devices deliver smooth electrical pulses to the body via electrodes placed on the skin (on the lower back) with sticky pads. TENS machines are thought to affect the way pain signals are sent to the brain and can be an effective way to manage labour pain, particularly during the early stages at home and in hospital.
Not a member (yet)? This is one of the BCT's core services that is only available to members. Become a member to benefit from this and many other services.
Read more about TENS machines in this article from our membership magazine Small Talk.
“We stuck the TENS on as soon as contractions started at home. I found the 'boost button' helpful during contractions and was gradually turning it up throughout labour. Shortly after our son was born I thought I had a strange feeling on my back and realised I had never turned it off! I certainly think it helped me cope better during labour.”

Who can rent
TENS machines are available for our members to hire.

The cost of rental is €20 for 6 weeks' hire, plus €50 returnable deposit.

When to rent
We recommend that you rent one a couple of weeks before your due date, in order to be prepared.

Valley Cushions can help you to sit more comfortably after you have had your baby, especially if you have had stitches.
Not a member (yet)? This is one of the BCT's core services that is only available to members. Become a member to benefit from this and many other services.
“Due to stiches after my birth I was finding it very uncomfortable to sit up, even on a soft bed. The Physio in the hospital brought me a 'valley cushion’ which helped instantly. My problem was that I was still sore when I needed to go home. I was delighted when I was told I could rent one – my husband got one and I was comfy on the car journey home and was able to feed and get to know our new baby while sitting on chairs! It made an incredible difference to my comfort and my ability to heal while looking after my new son.”

Who can rent
The BCT has a number of Valley Cushions available for members to hire.

The cost of rental is €20 for 6 weeks' hire, plus €50 returnable deposit.

When to rent
It is best to rent one a couple of days before your due date, so you have it at hand after the birth.
To check the availability of our Valley Cushions, members can contact

Read more on our blog:
Read more on our blog:
We regularly publish articles from Small Talk magazine on our Blog, like this one about our TENS machines and Valley Cushions, so head over there and let us know what you think!

Sweet relief – TENS machines and Valley cushions
BCT members can rent TENS machines and Valley Cushions for pain relief during and after labour. Rosalind Lester, hire coordinator, gives the lowdown on how these aids can help relieve pain simply and naturally during and after birth.