BCT Support groups

Support Groups


The BCT has several social and support networks, each of which deals with a special subject. There is the popular pregnant and new mums group and the future (single) mums by choice group and also groups dedicated to IVF, twins and multiples, families with neonatal babies and more.

All of the groups bring together people that are in similar life situations. They meet up on a regular basis and provide friendshipexchange of information and support for their members. Our support groups are, like our playgroups, interest and local groups, open to all BCT members and they welcome new members at all times. Join us and meet others!

Groups are initiated and organised by enthusiastic members for members. To join one of these groups, please contact the groups organiser (find contact details in the BCT app on Twizzit).

Our app/webpage on Twizzit holds the full BCT agenda including the activities of our support groups. This is where members can see the details and how to sign up their attendance which is generally free.   

If you are not yet a BCT member but would like to find out more about one of these groups, or if are a member and would like to set up a new support Group, just please contact our Groups Coordinator at groups@bctbelgium.org.

Our Support Groups:

Would you like to revive one of our support groups or set up a new one?

All or our groups are initiated and organised by enthusiastic members. If you would like to organise a group, please email us at groups@bctbelgium.org.


If you have tried, are trying, or are planning to try IVF or other assisted reproductive treatments, this informal group meets regularly to support each other.
Please contact ivfnetwork@bctbelgium.org for more information.


A group for single parents and their children.

(Future) Single Mums by choice

We are a group of single mothers by choice: solo moms who had a child without a partner, most of us with the help of a clinic and donor sperm, via embryo adoption  or traditional adoption. ​Some of us were tired of waiting for Mr Right, of dating while hearing our biological clock ticking. Some of us already had a first child in a previous relationship. All of us have in common that we have longed for our babies for so long and love them beyond words. Our group is open to everyone who is thinking, trying, already pregnant or who has had a child as a single mom by choice. 


This group is a warm, friendly place to make new friends and to share your experiences of becoming and being a new mum.

Parents with challenges

For parents with disabilities & (chronic) illnesses.
The aim of this group is to share ideas and helpful contacts among fellow parents, mothers and fathers alike.
Hopefully the group might not only be beneficial for the affected parent, but also for partners and even children whose mummies and daddies find it hard to cope with the circumstances.

Rainbow parents

A peer support group and space for regular meet-ups for same sex parents and their children. 


Share general concerns and experiences about baby/child development or developmental support (ie: speech therapy or special educational needs).

New dads

A friendly place to make new friends and to share your experiences of becoming and being a new dad. The group aims to provide support, online and offline via a chat group and occasional meet-ups.

Neonatal babies

This support group is for parents of babies who started their lives in the neonatal department. For whatever reason, if your baby didn’t get to come home with you, this could be the group for you. 

We also understand that being a parent of a NICU baby doesn’t end when your baby comes home. We can still feel the effects of this different start months or even years after your baby comes home. 

We want to provide a safe space for parents to share their challenges and their milestones. We offer a place to share your story and ask for help.

Twins and Multiples

A network for parents who have twins or other multiples, which meets monthly so that children can play together and parents can chat, share experiences and support each other.